How Can I Make Myself A Better Person Essay

Sales force management case study essay. 15 Ways to Become a Better Person. The better I feel about myself and everyone around me. Listen to Others As Jeet Banerjee notes on Lifehack, 'listening to people and giving. The idea of the essay is that there is always a version of yourself slightly ahead of where you are now. This “you” isn’t perfect, but he or she is a little more organized, gets up a little earlier, is a little better at focusing on the task at hand. It’s the person you know you could be if you just tried a little harder. It’s not scary impossible, but you’ll have to push to get there. I loved this idea of a better me sitting next to me at work and pushing me to achieve my potential. Below is an essay on 'How I Can Make Myself a Better Person' from Anti Essays, your source for research papers, essays, and term paper examples. How I can make myself a better person Like everybody else, I am not perfect.

There are many people who are living in this world and everyone has different personalities. There are no two people who have the exactly same personalities. Everyone in this world is unique in their own ways. One's personality is something that does not change which makes one unique and special. As for me, I am a responsible and sympathetic person, however, I am a self-centered person as well who may have made enemies with a lot of people. I am a pretty responsible person and I do what I am supposed to do. As now, I am a student in school, therefore I do my homework every single day and study for what I have learned at home.

I also pay attention in class most of the time as well. Besides that, I organize my work as well. At home, I am a child, so I respect my parents and help them to do house works, such as doing laundries and washing dishes. I clean my room once a week as well because that is my responsibility as being a child.


I also help out friends and classmates when they need help. I give out advices and suggestions to them when they need support and help as well. Generally, I can say that I am a responsible person who does my duties. Besides being a responsible person, I am also a person who is sympathetic.

I have been a sympathetic person when I was really young. For example, when I walk on the street and saw some handicapped people or vagrants, I would help them by giving them money or whatever things that I can do for them to have a better living.

When I see animals without a home, I feel sorry for them and I might buy some food for them to eat. I used to donate money to the charities for orphans with my family as well. I feel sympathetic to many people in the world and therefore I do something to help them have a better living. Even though I am a sympathetic person, however, I am a self-centered person as well. Since I am the only child, I have been kind of spoiled by my parents.

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When I was youn.